Friday, August 3, 2012

Today is the day in which I start believing.
Thinking back to graduation year of high school. I did not believe that I grew up, matured or had done anything important. Now we are at the same moment where a new set of adventures is about to begin and leaving an old city behind. I will graduate from college within the next year and so much has changed these past few months.
My relationship with my parents have changed. I now worry about them more than they about me. That is when you know. You know that you have grown and matured when that happens. My parents trust my judgement. All I have to do is let them know where I will be and what I will be doing and that is it. No questions, no comments. They believe in me. They believe that I can do anything.
School has been quite the journey this year. I have met new friends and lost old ones. I have expanded my skill set from solely focused on medicine and health, to plants and microbes. I would have never guessed that this day would come when I am a plant expert and surveyor. I have been given an enormous amount of trust and responsibility. I have been given the university's vehicle to drive and my supervisors vehicle. I have house sat and dog sat for my supervisors. I am allowed to do as I wish in the lab. They believe, everyone there believes that I can do anything.
I have done everything above and beyond what is expected of me. I have stayed late in the lab, I have fed the dogs, produced experimental results, had keys and took care of my supervisors plants and house, done stuff that I was not asked to do. Everyone believes in me so why don't I?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Word of the day


New abnormal growth of skin. Does not have to be cancerous.

December is AIDS awareness month. Please donate:!OpenDocument&language=english.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Word of the day

Dysania (noun)

the state of finding it hard to get out of bed.

and check it:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween is over. And now bring on the rain.

and check out